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Old Order Mennonites; And Outsmarting Obesity

This is an interesting article about a new book written by the esteemed Amish anthropologist, Donald Kraybill, and James Hurd.  The book is about the Old Order Mennonites, a distinctly different, but strikingly similar, Anabaptist group to the Amish.  Click here to read a book review.  And since the writer didn't provide a clue of information about how to purchase the book I dug up the info. Click this link to purchase.  Looks like a very interesting book!

This story makes me snore a bit, so much so that I wasn't even going to post it here.  But it's been making the rounds on the newswires so much over the past few days that I didn't want to appearing to be ignoring it.  REALLY, is a study REALLY needed to determine that physical exercise can ward off obesity???  That is basically what the just-released study is about.  Yes, it is interesting that the Amish appear to have tapped into a way to "trick" the "obesity gene"....but is vigorous physical exercise really a "trick"?  Sheesh....our society has become sloth-like and sedentary while the Amish have not. That is why obesity is less prevalent among the Amish.  But if you need to spend oodles of money to create a study to tell people that then more power to you, I guess. Click here to read about the study.

Re: Old Order Mennonites; And Outsmarting Obesity

One of the really frustrating things about this is that sometimes obesity is genetic. For instance I have struggled to lose weight for several years and I get allot of physical activity. Ok not exactly Amish activity since my job has me in front of a computer everyday. But I get at least 45min. of sweat time a day. I also eat very healthy foods. For instance I avoid carbs as much as possible. Anyhow I just needed to get that frustration out. BTW Congratulations Kevin. I hope the wedding was fantastic!

Re: Old Order Mennonites; And Outsmarting Obesity


Kevin should be in line for oodles of money fot putting his ecperiences into a "study" format

Re: Old Order Mennonites; And Outsmarting Obesity

This reminds me of a study that was done on peeps a couple of years back.  Peeps as in those marshmellow candies we see mainly at Easter.  Someone paid a whole lot of money to 'study' peeps.  What was 'found' out from the study?  That they 'swell-up' when put in the microwave!!!

Re: Old Order Mennonites; And Outsmarting Obesity


I never knew about the PEEPS study. I don't like Peeps at all. I don't trust food/cadny that doesn't go bad and has the consistancy of styrofoam.

Re: Old Order Mennonites; And Outsmarting Obesity

The thing my sons found out from this study is you can make them joust in the microwave!!! You take a toothpick insert it into the peeps, set them in the microwave, and as they swell, they 'joust.'  Again, someone paid a lot of money for this study......

KJuneBug's picture
Re: Old Order Mennonites; And Outsmarting Obesity

I hope our local library gets the book, it does sound really good.  Usually anything by Mr. Kraybill is a worthy read.

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:5

Re: Old Order Mennonites; And Outsmarting Obesity

...and by the way, how do you get the HTML tags to work here?? Frown

Re: Old Order Mennonites; And Outsmarting Obesity

Kevin, you need to understand that many "studies" like this one are created not "to spend oodles of money to create a study", but rather <em>to create a study to generate oodles of (grant) money!</em>  Such is the state of the art in many areas of science, especially in the "soft science" areas of food, nutrition and health....

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