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Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!

Just thought I would get the ball rolling on this special day and make it easier for Kevin to read his well wishes from those of us who enjoy his website.  Happy Birthday Kevin, may all your wishes come true Laughing

Re: Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!

Kevin----you are way younger than my children!    ~CS~

"Children are the living messages we send to a time we cannot see."                                                              ~J. W. Whitehead~


dcharrison's picture
Re: Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!

Happy birthday Kevin!  Not sure that I wish I were 36 again though - I had 17, 16 & 14 year olds then - so was in the midst of young drivers and such!


Re: Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!

Thank you, Cindy. I'm a little at my age now your kids were nearing "adulthood", a few years later your kids were out of the house. I'm 36 and don't even HAVE a kid yet...I'll be 55 or 60 before my kids are out of the house at this rate....a little depressing:(

Re: Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!


   I just wanted to say that I'm 37 and have three kids 16, 6, & 5.  My husband is 52!  I think he enjoys the young ones more now than he did when he was younger.  He'll be retiring when the youngest turns 18!

Hope you had a FANTASTIC birthday....and mine is Feb. 11.

dcharrison's picture
Re: Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!

Very true, but wasn't meant to be depressing! The photographer who took our oldest's senior pictures was also starting a family then - I just started young! They now have kids my grandkids ages. But maybe you won't be nearly raising grandkids when you get them!

I grew up with my kids more and made a lot of mistakes that I might not have made if I had been older when I had them.  With the situation with the grandkids though, I am glad I had them when I was young, since that also means I am young for the grandkids and so have more energy for them. Not that being a young grandparent is a guarantee there though - the other grandparents don't pitch in as much and they are younger than I am and my mother didn't as much and she was about my age.  So a lot depends on you and how you view life!

My dh was 26 when we married, but his brother was in his 30's when he married and so he is close to 60 now with a 22 year old.  While their younger sister has a 35 year old daughter who is single still. So 13 year difference in age between oldest and youngest on that side of the family of cousins, but there is a 22 year difference on mine - I have 1st cousins that are my kids ages!  I was the child of the oldest sibling and she is the youngest of the youngest sibling.

So don't be depressed about it! There is room for everyone!


Re: Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!


I know you're a little depressed but I know a couple where the wife didn't have their son until she was 40 and her husband was already 52 and in a job where you can sign up for a drop retirement program. He signed up before the pregnancy and his number came up when the baby was 4 months old. It's like a lottery once you're in it you can't reverse it. So now everyone is retired and living with a toddler on a limited monies. He has 2 grown daughters from a previous marriage.

In other words he'll be in his 70's when that kid goes off to college so you know that means he'll never not have a child in his house.


Re: Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!


I know you're a little depressed but I know a couple where the wife didn't have their son until she was 40 and her husband was already 52 and in a job where you can sign up for a drop retirement program. He signed up before the pregnancy and his number came up when the baby was 4 months old. It's like a lottery once you're in it you can't reverse it. So now everyone is retired and living with a toddler on a limited monies. He has 2 grown daughters from a previous marriage.

In other words he'll be in his 70's when that kid goes off to college so you know that means he'll never not have a child in his house.


TomK's picture
Re: Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!

If it's of any consolation Kevin, I'm 56 and still have a 16 year old at home... Would not give her up for anything, but I do wish we would have had her a little earlier.  But hey, remember 60 now is the new 40 so you'll be in great shape by the time your teaching them to drive....LOL<LOL<LOL

Re: Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!

Have a great one, Kevin!  Now you're as old as my daughter, you youngster!  Hope you have a wonderful day and an even better year! ~Diann

KJuneBug's picture
Re: Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!

Happy Birthday, May you have a blessed day! This is the day the  Lord hath made, be glad and rejoice in it!  I'm Nov 16!!


To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:5

Re: Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!

Happy Birthday, Kevin!  Hope you have a great day!  :o)


PS - Mine's January 6th!

Re: Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!

Mine is easy for the family to remember, December 8th, Feast of Immaculate Conception Wink.

LuvMaerz's picture
Re: Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift... that's why they call it the present."

 Feliz cumpleanos!  I tried and tried to embed a funky H.B image, but couldn't get it to work.  Anyway, have a great day and eat some CAKE!  My bday falls on Mother's Day next year, so I am totally going to get jipped!

Re: Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!

    Yes Kevin, hope you have a very Happy Birthday...Oh to be only 36 again.Wink  I share mine with the turkey every seven years. Nov. 22.   Have a GREAT DAY

Re: Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!

Thank you...Too bad that wasn't an audio file, I have a feeling that would have been just the right start to my day:).  I have you down for January 19....I'm making a list here, anyone else want to share when their birthday is?

TomK's picture
Re: Happy 36th Birthday Kevin!


AND MANY MORE............................

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