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Hurricanes and gas prices

I just came in from shopping and while I was out couldn't help but notice that gas jumped from $3.68 a gallon to $4.15 a gallon in less than a week. I live in Northern Kentucky, how are the gas prices in other areas?

Re: Hurricanes and gas prices

If you feel like a local gas station is gouging you can report it. We had a similar problem a few years ago in Florida when we were hit with back to back storms. I did see a few stores in my area that had to shut down when the feds caught them gouging and penalized them with fines that were so steep they had to close up. Only feds are allowed to gouge hahaha. They will not have anyone profitting unless they get their cut as well.


Report the stores in question here.

Re: Hurricanes and gas prices

My weather man said our rain was because of Ike, he showed us the tracking from the coast to us. We have had a lot of flooding also.

Re: Hurricanes and gas prices

I have an Aunt who lives in Kentucky, she said the wind blew down part of a tree in her yard and they're without electricity.  She was told it could take up to a week before the power is back on.

My cousin who lives in the Houston area did not evacuate with his family, after the storm was over he said that his neighborhood looks like a war zone.

Gas is around $3.58 in my small neck of the woods in Iowa :)


Re: Hurricanes and gas prices

 I had been wandering about the weather in Ohio. I have spend two days with non-ending rain here in northern Indiana, We broke a 40 year record with almost eleven inches of rain. Gas prices are from 4.15 to 4.25 in the area. I am also hoping they had a beautiful wedding.

LuvMaerz's picture
Re: Hurricanes and gas prices

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift... that's why they call it the present."

Here in IA/MO/IL, I know we had about 7 inches in a two day span.  It has rained in some form (mist or hard) for about 2 weeks or so.  We were hit hard with the flood this summer, and in some places, water is covering the roads again.

Personally, I don't mind the rain (as long as it isn't accompanied by wind, hail, or leaky basements).  It has done wonders for the grass seed hubby threw down in our grassless back yard!

KJuneBug's picture
Re: Hurricanes and gas prices

The Weather Channel said your rain was from Tropical Storm Lowell, a Pacific Ocean storm.

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:5

Re: Hurricanes and gas prices

Yesterday we had hardly any rain but the winds were up to 90 miles per hour.  I went outside during it (not the smartest thing to do but it was fun) and it was really weird to hear this loud cracking sound then see these massive trees fall.  I lost part of one big tree in my yard.  A neighbor lost three HUGE Ash trees. Every neighbor has some kind of damage weither it be to a tree or their house or out buildings. The common sound of today is the chain saws and woodchippers going. 

Re: Hurricanes and gas prices

We had a really bad wind storm yesterday over 90% of the eletricity is out in the Greater Cincinnati area!! (I still have my thank goodness)  But due to this, any gas station that does have eletricity, has lines 20 cars deep, and can charge what the want.  All the line workers were on their way to Texas to help those people so they don't know when electricity will be back up.  This also affect where Kevin's wedding was so I hope everything went well for him.......

KJuneBug's picture
Re: Hurricanes and gas prices

I saw that in the news that Kentucky was hit with the remnants of Ike.  We here who are having really great weather, are praying for all ya'll southerners who are dealing with some tough conditions. 

We will get our share of unpredictable weather come late Oct and the threat stays around pretty much until March. 

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:5

Re: Hurricanes and gas prices

It was not only Kentucky, but Indiana and Ohio too. All the tri-state area is under a 'state of emergency.'  Most schools were closed today and already some are closing for tomorrow.  The bright side of this is we now have plenty of fire wood for next winter Wink

LuvMaerz's picture
Re: Hurricanes and gas prices

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift... that's why they call it the present."

Ours was down to $3.43 at one time, but it is around $3.57 now.  We took a short trip last night to get building supplies, and I saw it as high as $3.89!

Re: Hurricanes and gas prices

My husband got gas last night and the gas station attendent said that it was going up another 10 cents by morning. I live in Northern NJ. I have a feeling it's going to get worse!!

Re: Hurricanes and gas prices

We're in Maryland; and the price at one local station climbed from $3.39 at 7 a.m. Saturday morning, to $3.61 by 9:00 a.m.!  By the evening, there were prices as high as $3.89!  And that was just in one day!


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