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My Testimony, by Kjunebug

KJuneBug's picture

With the recent talk about appropriate and inappropriate music I prayed about sharing my testimony in Jesus Christ with all of you, now in keeping with privacy, some things like names and dates will not be included but the story remains the same.So here goes, I was raised in an average middle class area with very moral parents, and true to the red, white and blue.  The first seeds were planted: Occasionally we would go to church; I was in Sunday school at a church in 3rd grade and given a bible, with my name in gold letters on the cover, after that we never regularly attended, church, only a rare Christmas Eve service.  I did know most of the main stories in the Bible, like Noah and the Christmas story, but only on a superficial level.  I always wanted to know more.  Fast forward to college, I met these kids who called themselves “Christians” they seemed to be always happy and having a great time, I wanted to be one of them, but back then it was sort of an exclusive club.  I went to some of the first Amy Grant concerts…more seeds being planted; but the dirt just wasn’t quite ready.  Then through a set of circumstances meeting a very manipulative fellow, I found myself a single mother, (in my mid twenties) my parents in true Richard and Emily Gilmore fashion (Gilmore Girls, the TV show) tried to hide me as I was an embarrassment to their social status, however they adored my little baby girl.  Then my little girl was of preschool age, I found a preschool in a church, during her first few years my dirt was improving into some luscious soil… My thought was that if my sweet pea was going to be at this church for school that I should be attending the church on Sunday’s to help her feel more comfortable, as she had never experienced daycare from strangers, only family.  As I was getting us ready for the first Sunday she and I would go to the church services, the phone rang; it was my sister telling me to turn on the TV that the church had just burnt down.  I remember just standing there in front of the TV, and the phone doing that slow motion slide thing away from my ear.  I thought what this guy is God thinking, I was ready and now the place is gone.Well, I quickly found out that God is faithful.  He allowed me to find out where the congregation would be meeting the following Sunday, the following March my sweet pea and I were baptized together, I made great friends, through those friendships I met my husband (a whole ‘nother story!!).  About ten years ago we were lead to leave that church and join another more conservative church, which is where we are now, raising our five children in Christ.  That little sweet pea is 20 now and serving the Lord, more like a beautiful rose!! As we have grown as a family in Christ, worldly things are always leaving the house; lottery tickets, TV shows, then TV, various types of books, music, and movies; the NIV for the KJV; wearing dresses only; practicing modest living-sorting out needs vs. wants; more prayer…

As I look back and can pinpoint those moments that seeds were being planted in me, it makes those tough times, seem not so bad. I have repeatedly thought that while I was not ready,  God was persistent, He never gave up on me, even though I wasn’t always there for Him, He was there for me, He has completely forgiven me of all my sins and He loves me!

I heard others say this about God, that if He can take someone like me who was broken and scarred and heal me, into one of His own, then what is impossible with Him?   

Re: My Testimony, by Kjunebug

Thank you for sharing your testimony Kjune. Your personal story is very inspiring.

What does your syllabus consist of for homeschool? I have only met one other family who homeschooled and their science end of it was always outside. That was nice because sometimes when I did not have to work I would go with them to their "science class." Sometimes it was a state park, other times the beach but it wasn't all fun and games they had to take soil samples and run all kinds of tests on it and do reports on top of it.


KJuneBug's picture
Re: My Testimony, by Kjunebug


We are blessed to have found Rod and Staff school curriculum.  School curriculum publish by conservative Mennonites.  All subjects are rooted in God, including science.  Mostly we do book learning. 

When we have the opportunities to be out in God's nature, we do reinforce lessons and ask questions about what they are seeing and experiencing.  I really do admire those homeschool Mothers who can create lessons like you've mentioned, I don't feel super gifted in that way. Although I must confess that we have on occasion come up with some creative learning esperiences, a year ago, we had a full lunar eclipse in our area, it was at about 2AM, we got everyone up, bundled up and went out into the quiet of the night to see this marvel.     

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:5

LuvMaerz's picture
Re: My Testimony, by Kjunebug

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift... that's why they call it the present."

KJB, thanks so much for telling your story!  There are some similarities in our stories.  I agree with you and with Kevin... life is definitely a spiritual journey, and every new experience and hardship is another way we grow and mature with God.  Even though I am not as conservative in the worldly aspects, I complete respect and admire how you are raising your family :-)


ps... Last night nothing was on tv, so I watched a showed I recorded about the Duggars.  I think it was called "On the Road with 16 Kids", about them driving across country to DisneyLand.  I thought of you and your family's recent cross-country trip.  They also did a lot of sight-seeing and doing tours of companies that interested them (like chocolate-making and pistachio-sorting!).

KJuneBug's picture
Re: My Testimony, by Kjunebug

That is one show I would enjoy! I guess we could have video recorded it!!  Did they have a bus or two cars? We sure had a wonderful time, on our trip, and there is so much more to see!  We will probably do it again, in a few years.  We would like to go to Maine, and do all the east coast states history stuff, Boston, Phillie, DC, NYC, Williamsburg and we do want to take them to Disneyland.  The boys were just three, one of the girls was baby and one not born yet.  Our oldest was 11, she had a great time at that age, cause your tall enough for all the rides!!!      

Current Life and Times in a Real Life Homeschool family- Right now I am sitting at my kitchen table with my laptop in front of me (duh! since I am blogging) waiting everso patiently (have to be, the Bible says in Corinthians right after the part about children obeying their parents for this is right in the Lord, then it says "Fathers" translate parents, do not exasparate your children, I remind myself of this verse alot!!) for one of my son's to finish his school work!  We normally don't do school on Friday, this week is an exception, we took Wed. off so the boys (including Dad) could go to a baseball game with church.  He seems to have settled into his work a bit, but, if I get up, to do anything (laundry, dishes, use the bathroom) he gets distracted, so here I sit....

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:5

Re: My Testimony, by Kjunebug

Hey!  If you're doing the east coast historical stuff...please don't forget about Baltimore!  It was pivotal in not only the War of 1812 (Francis Scott Key wrote the Star-Spangled Banner on a ship right here in our harbor!), but also the Civil War....  SO much to see and do!


Re: My Testimony, by Kjunebug

Touching testimony, KJunebug...thanks for sharing!  I think each person ultimately has to find some sort of comfortable path that brings them peace and closer to a spiritual fulfillment...for some of us, such a search may take a lifetime, others, it seems, are luckier to find it sooner.....

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