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Spray N. Wash Sensation....

 SPRAY ‘N WASH® MAX™ with <em>RESOLVE™</em> Power

No...I'm not getting paid to pitch this product...I wish I were, though.  Yesterday, I had a wonderful time giving a talk to the folks at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church in Cincinnati.  The night before, I had gathered my clothes that I was going to wear and put them in the washer.  Like an idiot, I hurriedly put the load in the laundry and found out when the cycle was done that I had forgotten to take a pen out of my pants.  Ugh, my favorite pair of khakis ruined.  I could hear my wife rattling my eardrums with "you NEVER learn, blah, blah..."   But my pants were ruined...big blue ink blotches all over.....Ruined.....Or were they?  I have washed pens in with my wash before and it has permantely ruined clothes, even using the old "hair spray" trick.  The other week I found an old shirt that had a stain in it that had been set in for quite sometime, months maybe.  In the store I saw "Spray N. Wash Max" and the label said it even worked on old, set stains.  So, curious, I bought some and tried it on the shirt back home, the one with the set stain.  It worked.  Shirt good as new.  Back to my ruined pants....I remembered that I had bought the Spray N Wash max, so I rummaged through the cupboard quickly and found the bottle of "magic formula."  I sprayed the Spray N Wash Max on the still wet ink stains and to my amazement they rubbed right out.  Big blotches of blue ink, disappearing....After rubbing out all the stains with it, I put the pants back in the washer for a cycle.  When they were done the pants were good as new.  No ink. No discoloring.  I don't usually worship products, but, wow, this one saved me Rachel's wrath and my pants!!

KJuneBug's picture
Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

Thanks everyone for your uplifting comments!  Even the sun is out for a minute here this morning!

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:5

Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

Since you are onto a laundry problem, Anyone try the homemade laundry detergent?? I just made my 3rd batch and still love it.........and the money I'm saving.

Kevin, where in SW Ohio do you live? We are in Xenia.

Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

Middletown....Homemade laundry detergent, now that would be a good way to save some $$$!

KJuneBug's picture
Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....


This doll thing made me think of this: Being the parent of a big age span of children is interesting, most of the time now it seems that not much is new, we tend to stick with tried and true. Typically there is very little that the younger children do that is surprising.  Usually something new would still be some stage that our 20 year old would be in - just an off the wall thought that came from this topic!!! 

I was just talking with my husband about the fact that I am feeling, like (not sure of what one word would fill in the blank) I wash the same clothes, dishes etc over and over.  I have a list of regular routine stuff I need to do but my motivation is just gone.  Here's my list, the boys need haircuts, more bread to make, the girls clothes need to gone through, which means more sewing to do, birthday gifts to make, bills to pay (the same ol' ones), another supper to put on the table using the same old boring ingredients.... etc.  Doesn't match my Bible verse signature much, huh!!

So how do the rest of you cope with the "same ol" syndrome?  Kevin, you found a new stain remover...     

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:5

dcharrison's picture
Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

I used to tell my dh that regardless of whether the bags at work looked the same, he could at least know that when he sewed them (he was working on the sewing machine sewing salt pellet bags at that time), he would never see that same bag again!  But every time I did the dishes, laundry, cleaned the bathroom, etc. I knew it would be back in the sink, laundry or whatever within a few hours or days again!


Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

Somehow, I think I was supposed to read this today.  I have been stuck in the same sort of muddy-rut for a while the point that over the last several days I've pretty much withdrawn from everything I can.  Problem is, I even pull back from the things I enjoy.  Not good. 

Now, yesterday, I did get to volunteer at my daughter's school.  Something I'll be doing every Thursday from now on, and that helped.  And I got to spend a bit of time outside - it was cold but not frigid, so I took the opportunity to take down the Christmas lights.  Today the weather should be the same, so I've made plans to take the kids to the park today (my oldest gets out of school two hours early today and we'll meet her best friend's family there).  Getting outside helps. 

I've just had enough of the same laundry...dishes...endlessly picking up toys...stress from my husband's job situation...  *sigh*

It also helps feeling like I'm not alone.  I don't get so down on myself that way.  So thanks everyone!  Smile


PS - Kevin, I've tried the SN'W Max and also think it's great!  There's only been one thing it hasn't worked on for me - chocolate ice cream stains.  Other than that,'s been awesome!

KJuneBug's picture
Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

Try Folex, on the chocolate stains.  They use Folex at the Bible Camp my daughter works at, we got up coffee stain from the carpet that had been there for 2 years!

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:5

Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

Where can I find it, KJB? 

KJuneBug's picture
Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

Bed, Bath and Beyond has it here in Washingtion.  Maybe Target stores; my daughter isn't sure where the camp in MN gets it from.  

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:5

Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

Thanks!  I'll check those first. 

Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

KJuneBug - sound like you have what I have...the foggy blues.  I'm actually tired of the fog and looking forward to the rain. 

When I get the blahs I try to find something that I really like doing, making cards and actually writing letters to relatives in Ireland, and going for long walks.  Walks are out right now, asthma doesn't like the smog.

Just think, pretty soon the bulbs will be coming up and the world will be pretty again!

KJuneBug's picture
Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

You know I think you might me onto something!!  I am tired of it too, it is almost worse than the snowLaughing.  

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:5

Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

And keep in mind, 10 years from now you are going to miss those hair cuts, sewing on the cute little clothes, doing dishes for the entire family.  Enjoy it now, they do grow too fast!!

Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

KJuneBug, there are MANY days that I would like to have the same old same old, just seems like my life is a roller coster ride and I don't necessarily look forward to those downward hills.....

KJuneBug's picture
Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

Folex, is a carpet cleaner that works on ink stains too. My husband had a pair of cotton trousers that had a really dark ink stain, we think maybe from a Sharpie.  It took some elbow grease but the Folex worked, without damaging the trousers.   

Hey, you read that tip right here Luv!  That's what I recommended, I am glad to hear that it worked for you!  It's a method that's been around a long while, I found it out from a fancy doll store we used to have in the area, probably 12 years ago.

Disclaimer:  You couldn't use this method on clothing or fabric  though, it would bleach any color from the fabric.  I know that for a couple reasons, one, just knowing the properties of peroxide is a bleach and two, my older daughter has ruined many pillowcases and clothing because of using benzoyl peroxide on her acne.     

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:5

LuvMaerz's picture
Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift... that's why they call it the present."

I am a big proponent of Shout Advanced, but I doubt it would take out ink!  That is amazing!!  I lost some clothes when I left some pens in my scrub pockets :P  Boy was I mad.

 Just an FYI for parents.  My daughter (2 year old) drew all over her Baby Alive doll at Christmas Eve church with a pen, just a couple of hours after getting it at our family party.  (I was helping with the children's nativity, Daddy was taking pictures...and Bella took that opprotunity to do some coloring on her doll!)  She drew all over its face, arms, etc with the black ball-point pen.  I had read a remedy on the Internet, so I tried it:

Cover all of the ink with a layer of acne cream containing 10% benzoin peroxide (I bought the $2.99 tube from Walmart) and place under a lamp.   Let it sit under the lamp for 3 or 4 hours, and the ink just disappears!  I was up that night late getting things ready for Christmas morning, so I just left the doll.  I checked it a few times and the ink was still there...but the last time I check it it was just gone!  No trace of it in the acne cream or anything.  People on the Internet say that they have used this with vintage plastic/rubber dolls and with new ones with success.  A great tip if your kid destroys an expensive dolly :-)

Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

I have a doll from my childhood that I drew on as a child with pen.  My dad's companion took it to the 'doll doctor' to have it fixed (old doll fell apart) and while it was there she also removed the old ink.  Wonder if this is how she did it????? 

LuvMaerz's picture
Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift... that's why they call it the present."

Probably!  I have heard that people have used it on dolls that were marked on 40+ years ago!

Re: Spray N. Wash Sensation....

Well the doll was 40+ years oldWink

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