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North Carolina Amish

Hi all,A while back, I had asked if there were any Amish settlements close to North Carolina, but at the time we thought that the only settlement in NC had vanished long ago. Recently, I read a post on the internet about a so-called Amish store in Hamptonville, NC. I wasn't really expecting much as the last one I visited in NC was not an actual Amish store but rather a nice little store that sold Amish foods. But hope springs eternal, so when my hubbie and I decided to take a road trip this weekend to celebrate our 25th anniversary, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to check out this store. WinkWell, I am happy to report that the Shiloh General Store is actually a small Amish grocery store and bakery. I also discovered that there is a small but growing Amish community in Union Grove, NC. The settlement was started in 1985 when some Amish farmers in Guthrie, Kentucky decided to locate farms in a more moderate climate. Since then the settlement has grown to about 30 families from different states.While visiting the store, I purchased a copy of their local cookbook and it is amazing the variety of the last names listed in it. This cookbook has 16 different last names when they only have about 30 families. I think it shows the diversity of this little community.

So for anyone interested I'll list the last names. Lets see we have: Coletti, Hostetler, Detweiler, Mast, Luthy, Schlabach, Kauffman, Troyer, Yoder, Peachey, Brenneman, Slining, Slabaugh, Nissley, Miller, Zook, and Swartzentruber.


Re: North Carolina Amish

When we were on out big cross country trip I purchased a cookobook for the LaPlata, MO Amish community at the Country VarietyStore on St Rt 156. I figured it was a good way to support the local community and it makes for a useful keepsake from our trip.  Some of the surnames in that community are Gingrich, Bontreger, Mast, Schrock, Burkholder, Yoder and Schwartz.  

I sure would like to know where the Amish community in Washington is, is there a way to find out? 

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:5

Re: North Carolina Amish

Kjunebug, I know very, very little about the plain population in Washington State.  The only thing I can say with certainty is that in the Amish newspaper, The Budget, there are regular writers submitting from Spokane addresses. Obviously, they are not in urban Spokane, it would be somewhere in rural areas outside of that.  The Amish community in the NW corner of Montana has grown considerably over the past 30 years and plain settlements have spread west from there into the northern Panhandle of Idaho and into far eastern Washington. A day trip from where you live in the Amish areas of Montana would be do-able and a lot of fun!

Re: North Carolina Amish

Thanks Kevin, we'll keep that in mind.  Field trip!!!!

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:5

Re: North Carolina Amish


Thank you for this excellent first-hand "on the ground" info. I don't think NC - for a variety of reasons - will ever experience the type of explosive growth in their Amish population that, say, Tennessee and Kentucky have seen, but I do think that the rural north-central part of the state could definitely sustain multiple thriving communities in the future - Kevin

Re: North Carolina Amish

Hi Kevin,

I definitely agree that many parts of NC could support several Amish communities. I often find it amazing how rural NC still is. Last year, we took a road trip to visit a historical site about 80 miles south east of here. On the way home, I told the kids that we would stop for lunch when we reached the next town. Well, I took a different route home and found to my surprise that I drove the entire 80 miles without passing through a town with something other than a mom and pop gas station in it until we were back in the city that we live in. Needless to say the kids weren't happy and I was very surprised...Embarassed


Re: North Carolina Amish

Hi all,

I just found an interesting page that shows state by state how many Amish settlements there are as well as approximate population. I was surprised by some of the information so I thought I would share the link.


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