The Amish Cook from Oasis Newsfeatures



My father in Ohio is without power. Rural no electricity means no heat, water or cooking. I just hope he has been keeping his Life Alert cell phone charged.  He was adding a blanket and crawling in to keep warm (no electric blanket, of course)The estimated time for the power grids being back online was unavailable because it is so widespread.

I am wondering how other power companies are faring.



My father in Ohio is without power. Rural no electricity means no heat, water or cooking. I just hope he has been keeping his Life Alert cell phone charged.  He was adding a blanket and crawling in to keep warm (no electric blanket, of course)The estimated time for the power grids being back online was unavailable because it is so widespread.

I am wondering how other power companies are faring.



Well, here in southeastern PA we have about 2 feet of snow and it's still coming down.  My two little guys decided to go out and play.  The drifts were up to their heads in areas and the winds are whipping.  They only lasted about 30 minutes and I made them come in.  They've already called off church services for tomorrow.  We were supposed to deliver soup to a retirement community tomorrow for "souper"bowl Sunday.  I don't know if we'll get to do that or not.

Has anyone else received a ton of snow???

Making butter..

Today, I had my two grandsons over to make butter. They are ages 3 and 5. The older is home-schooled and they read the "little house" books for entertainment. ( I read these to my 3,as well).I told them that we could use the kitchenaid mixer..but that only makes a small amount. They chose to use my 5 gallon crock w/dasher churn(because that's what "Laura Ingalls did!). I had enough cream for 1/2 full. They sure churned their little hearts out! After about a half an hour, we had butter! They were so excited!! After I poured off the buttermilk..they had to taste it..several times. Then after I had washed,worked and salted the butter,they had to have butter on blueberry bread. They went home with fresh butter and homemade bread(made yesterday) to share with their Dad when he got home from work. My daughter said that she'd be lucky to get any!! It was a fun afternoon ,so I thought I'd share.Smile

baire702's picture

Pasta dough made into noodles?

Hi, I aquired about 13 boxes of ready to bake pie crust. I would never buy this stuff, but since it was free, I made the exception.

My question is, is it possible to make noodles out of this. I know the receipts for both are similar. And I thought this would be the best use for them.

any help appreciated!



ps, I'm going to Mishler's in Dalton, WI this afternoon! I've been planning this trip for 3+ weeks. I may even stop at Pleasant View Bakery. LaughingLaughing

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