The Amish Cook from Oasis Newsfeatures

Amish Christmas caroling

Well, this was the week of Christmas caroling in my community.  Each district's youth went caroling in their own areas.  Middle District youth went out Monday and Thursday evenings.  We went through the countryside in our district on Monday evening.  Thursday evening, last evening, we went to Belle Center. 

They needed another wagon so I volunteered my wagon and Ed.  Ed was not amused. 

I had four thick buggy robes on the wagon.  Three in the back and one for us on the seat.  It was cold.

I, also, used my sleight bells.  I have a full ring of them on a long strap.  However, Ed, like his master, has put on so much weight that I couldn't even buckle the strap around  him.  So, I just buckled it in a circle and hung it around Fatty's neck.  It still made a nice jingle sound.

We left Ed tied up at the hitching rack in "downtown" Belle Center and walked on from there.  When we went back to retrieve Ed and the wagon after we were at the last stop, the sleigh bells were missing from his neck.  Hmmmm. 

Well, there was another wagon of young folks from the district in Belle Center that evening and they decided they wanted some jingle in their wagon ride that evening, too, I guess.  I was so relieved they weren't stolen but just "borrowed."

Most every place we stopped the people were so appreciative.  There were a couple of places where the people didn't bother to get up and leave their TV's.  But, that was better, I guess, than last year when at the one place the guy who answered the door said a bad word at us and slammed the door in our faces.  Some Christmas spirit!

Of course we only sing carols dealing with Jesus's birth.  No Rudolph or Santa Claus ditties for us.

I think there were about ten on my wagon.  Maybe more.  Ed did a really good job hauling us around.

The last place we stopped was at my Dad's house in Belle Center.  I know he appreciated the visit.

Then, around 9:30 PM we tried to all be back at Daniels Troyer's for a light supper and a time of fellowship.  What a nice evening.

I can't carol for you but I want to wish you all a Joyous Christmas and blessed New Year!


Re: Amish Christmas caroling

Thank you for sharing this wonderful Christmas story! I wish we could all have been  recipients of your caroling! It does seem that some people still enjoy the Christmas traditions that we loved back when!

Re: Amish Christmas caroling

I know I must sound like a broken record, but you make me laugh out loud, Gusluke.  Your description of Ed was just so funny.  Thanks for all your wonderful posts this year ... I appreciate all I've learned from you and all the belly laughs, too.  I hope you and your father had a wonderful Christmas, and I wish you both a very happy, healthy, and blessed New Year.  ~ Janice

Re: Amish Christmas caroling

I can't say it any better Gusluke.  Blessings in the year to come.

muslim sister's picture

Re: Amish Christmas caroling

Ed probably gave those sleigh bells awaySmile

Re: Amish Christmas caroling

Poor Ed! He was probably wishing you had taken Toby in his stead, LOL Sounds like such a fun evening, and I agree with Kevin -- I love the Belle Center community! Our wishes to you and your dad for a very blessed Christmas! Diann & Bill

Re: Amish Christmas caroling

Thanks for the great site contributions, Gusluke...I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and what you describe is one of the reasons I really like the Belle Center community, it's an extremely traditional, caring community...I think you've got one giant family in your three church districts there!  Tell your Dad I said "hello!"