The Amish Cook from Oasis Newsfeatures


Jon+Kate book review


Well I got a copy of the Gosselin book yesterday from the library, and skim read it, meaning I skipped the part about how they met and got right into her accounts desiring children. I wasn't impressed.  The book is solely written by Kate, as a opposed to the Duggar's book that was clearly written by both MIchelle and Jim Bob.  While she speaks of God, prayers, blessing etc, each chapter was titled with a verse, it just sounded like talk (not much walk, if you know what I mean).  She also touched on the topic of the opinions others have of her controlling personality, trying to convince the reader that while she may "push" for things, it's in the name of mothering, and claims to not like being in the limelight. And OCD about germs, wow! She complains/grumbles alot too... 

PS - I don't watch the show! We don't have tv, I have seen little blips on the internet.  I was interested in the "multiples" aspect, as we are parents of twins.  I've also read Bobbie McCaughey's book, her recolections were sincere.              

Read any good books?

Hi all!

 I have been trying to take advantage of the library more often.  I surf blogs trying to find suggestions of good reading... our library tends to NOT have much of anything, so I have to check out a lot of options to get to one that they do carry.  Lately, I have been reading the two David Sedaris books that they actually have, and I find the short essays quite enjoyable.

Anyone have a good book recommendation?  I am open to just about anything.

A Book Blitz For Geauga County Ohio Amish Children

The Geauga County Public Library system has a unique partnership with the many "one-room" Amish schools which dot the area's backroads.  The program puts plenty of books in the hands of literature-loving Amish children.  Amish schools are very efficient at pushing the basics of the "three Rs".  Reading is a valued pleasure among Amish youth who enjoy the Little House books and good mysteries.  Click here for a neat story about this great partnership.

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