The Amish Cook from Oasis Newsfeatures

A Neat Birthing Alternative In Wisconsin

We've discussed on this website numerous times about how the Old Order Amish and Mennonites prefer to give birth in a home setting instead of a hospital.  But with many Amish not having ready access to telephones to summon help in the event of a medical emergency, sometimes coming up with a "compromise" between home and hospital works well.  "Birthing centers" outside of hospitals have been successfully established in some larger Amish communities in Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania, but I've not heard of anything like what exists in southwest Wisconsin's rapidly expanding Amish population.   Outside of Lancaster (NOT Pennsylvania), Wisconsin in the middle of pastoral, bucolic fields an old farmhouse serves as a birthing center for the Amish.  There's plenty of parking for buggies and horses and the outside of the center looks like it could pass for any Amish home.  This provides about as close to a home-setting as possible, while still being staffed by medical professionals.  It's a neat here to read,   As an aside, if you do read the article, what the heck is the reference to New Mexico for?  Did that strike anyone else as out of place?  Perhaps this reporter was using material that had been prior published in New Mexico?  It's not a major issue, but it just struck me as out of place, I couldn't find any other references in the article to New Mexico?  The article would also have benefitted from a bit more information about what is in the farmhouse: electricity?  What type of medical equipment - if any - is on site?  Kind of some sloppy reporting here..

Re: A Neat Birthing Alternative In Wisconsin

As a resident of New Mexico, my curiosity was piqued by your question about the reference to New Mexico in the article on the new birthing alternative in Wisconsin. I clicked the link on the left as the other reader suggested and discovered the article about the midwives' practice in Las Vegas. Lo and behold, my brother was the owner of that practice until recently when he sold it to three midwives. I learned a lot about our state, didn't know we had such a booming midwife situation here, and about my brother's former clinic of which I knew almost nothing. Amazing what can be learned once you start reading and following links! Thanks!

Re: A Neat Birthing Alternative In Wisconsin

LOL, small world!Smile  I totally missed that link, so I am glad it was pointed out to me!

muslim sister's picture

Re: A Neat Birthing Alternative In Wisconsin

Quite honestly i wished i could have given birth at home, or in a birthing center. The hospital here is a nightmare. And most hospitals like to strap you down to the stupid fetal heart monitor, which i cannot stand.  they will not let you move as you are supposed to, to move the delivery along. They can make the whole birthing process last twice as long. And you have to give birth lying down, against the force of gravity.  The hospital i was in seriously needs to school their staff on bedside manners, and some responsibilty!!!

I wish i was able to be in a place like the birthing center when it was time for me!

Re: A Neat Birthing Alternative In Wisconsin

Kevin, Click the link to the left of the story in the related links box, and all will be explained re: New Mexico. Laughing