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Pork & Sauerkraut

The tradition that eating sauerkraut on New Year's cuts across religious boundaries, because the Amish embrace this also.  Someone asked for a recipe for pork with sauerkraut, or as some Pennsylvania Dutch call it "sauerkraut und speck" (Sauerkraut with Pork).  I'm sure Lovina is eating this today and I'm heading over to Rachel's Mom's shortly for my sauerkraut fix.  So, to the person who posted the request, here is the recipe. Enjoy!


3 pounds fresh pork

1 tablespoon salt

1 quart sauerkraut

Place pork in a large heavy kettle. Cover with water and add the salt. Simmer for 1 hour. Add the sauerkraut and more water, if necessary.  Continue cooking for an additional hour or until meat is tender. Season with salt and pepper.

This is a very, very simple dish. You can add additional seasonings to your taste. And keep in mind, many Amish will be eating homemade sauerkraut and pork from their own hogs, so this dish will taste extra fresh on an Amish supper table.

Re: Pork & Sauerkraut

I am not Amish, but I grew up in a german country home and we had sauerkraut and spareribs a lot.  I never understood the sugar that some "city" people put in the kraut.  My grandma also would add a little barley and serve it with boiled potatoes.  I still think of her whenever I make this german dish.

LuvMaerz's picture
Re: Pork & Sauerkraut

"A mind is like a parachute. It doesnt work if it's not open."- Frank Zappa

 The only way I know Kraut is with mom made it that way. It cuts some of the acidity and gives it a little tanginess.  The other people at the hospital would think I was weird when we ate in the cafeteria and I was dumping sugar packets in my sauerkraut!  LOL

Re: Pork & Sauerkraut

I tend to get the kind of kraut which is in the plastic package with the processed meats [Not as harsh as canned, to me].   Sometimes I get extra to freeze.   When using, I do rinse it thoroughly.  Then, in a pyrex container with water added & wax paper over the top, I give it a few minutes in the M-W.   Next, I put in whatever meat we're having [franks, thin pork chops, low fat kielbasa], cover with foil, & bake till the meat is done.  For potatoes, I just bake 2 small ones----or cut a larger one in 1/2 & bake in an aluminum pan.  Everything's done in an hour. 

The rinsing & M-W time make the difference.  With these steps, it gets milder, so there is no need for sugar.   Of course, if you have home processed, it probably wouldn't be harsh, so you might not need the rinsing.

Used to do it in the pressure cooker with potatoes----all on a metal steamer basket to keep from scorching.   Could do a ton of it that way.   Now, with just 2 of us, the other is really easy----& I don't have to deal with getting the lid on/off the pressure cooker, which was getting hard for me. 


Pork and Sauerkraut Recipe

I noticed that you put more salt in your recipe. Isn't the sauerkraut salty enough? Also, you need to cook the pork thoroughly, unless you want ringworm.

Pork and SauerKraut

Thanks. I'm the person who asked about this recipe.  Unfortunately, I'm new to the list and missed your post before cooking my pork roast on New Years, but I will definitely try your recipe. I have been fascinated by Amish cooking for more than 20 years and am very happy to have found your list!

Pork and Saurerkraut

I usually make this our New Year's Day meal.  It is delicious.  Often times though I will make it in my crockpot, placing the sauerkraut on the bottom.  Add a bit of onion to taste as well as a good cooking apple and you are ready to go!  For the rest of our traditional meal, some nice hot homemade mashed potatoes and cold applesauce makes dinner complete.

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